Infos Voyageurs

Transportation from Cancun Airport

Rent a Car:
If you are getting a car for a week or more, book it at least a week out and get it at the airport. All the big companies are represented at the airport. We usually book our cars on Travelocity or Expedia (use the Canadian versions (.ca) if you are from Canada) and go with the cheapest option.

Cheap car rental deals at

Rental car as low as $16.00 usd a day!!! Cars at $96 usd a week!!! During Xmast week!!! My suggestion is renting a car online in this website , you can pick up comfortable your car right ourside the airport, and save moneys for taxis.

Book A Private Trasport: 
There are a bunch of companies that do this. We like Vic at Cost is $50 US one way or $95 return for a vanload (up to 10 persons).

Book a taxi at one of the booths on the way out of the airport. Cost is about $50 US per taxi, up to 4 persons. It will cost about $25 when you go back to the airport from Playa del secreto.

Public Transport: 
Book it at the booth on the way out of the airport. Cost is about $15-17 US per person to PLAYA DEL SECRETO. Two companies, Grey Line or Greenline. Booths are just outside the airport at the bottom of the ramp.